We are finally getting photos of each puppy individually. The males and females are sent in separate emails, which makes it easy to start picking favorites. The ones with the dark blue ribbon and the black ribbon are like little bears, but they are all so gorgeous, it’s going to be a tough decision. From Diane: “Hi Everyone! Well, Alondra’s babies turned one week old yesterday and are doing fantastic! They had their tails docked and dewclaws removed this past Monday and everyone at my vet’s office were surprised to see how much they had grown in just 4 days. Alondra is feeling so much better and is just the perfect momma. I took some pictures of the puppies yesterday. I put ribbons on them just so everyone can watch each individual puppy grow. Only had to shoot 532 pictures to get a few good ones of each pup! I just can’t seem to get them to sit still very long! Attached to this email are the girls. The boys will be sent in another email. Enjoy! Diane” The boys: The girls:
From Diane:
"Hi Yvonne, Things are going very well. The pups are just growing so fast. Alondra is a great mom, but had alot of discomfort the first 3 days. I felt so sorry for her, but now she's doing so much better! The puppies were at my vet today to get the tails docked and dewclaws removed. They couldn't believe how much they have grown in just 4 days. I have attached a few pics taken this morning. More coming very soon! Take Care, Diane" Yesterday, we sent Diane a long email with a million questions. Little did we know that she was in the middle of Alondra’s birth. She answered us this morning. Below is part of her response and our response to her is in red:
“Hi Yvonne, I was so stressed and exhausted yesterday I never did answer any of my emails. We can completely understand! What an exciting day! Even though I’ve basically been up all night, I am not so sleepy to lay down so now is a good time to sit at the computer. This morning Alondra is still feeling the effects of the anesthesia/surgery this morning, but overall she’s doing well. I hope she continues to recover well. Poor girl. We can’t wait to meet her! I will (hopefully) be putting ribbons on the pups for identification, although sometimes this does not work out too well since momma wants to lick/tear the ribbon off. TEXT REMOVED……… Hope I have answered all of your questions. You absolutely did, thank you for replying so soon, we know you have a lot going on! If anything else comes up just shoot me an email or give me a call. Get some rest, we will be in touch soon enough! Thanks! Diane” Earlier today, I bombarded Diane with an email full of questions. We are so nervous and excited! And we have so, so, so many questions. Neither one of us has welcomed a puppy in years, so we want to make sure we do it all perfect for him. Instead of her usual prompt response to all of our questions, this was what we received from her!!!!!!
From Diane: “Well, it’s been a very long day, but just wanted to let you all know that Alondra gave birth to 13 beautiful babies today. We have 7 boys and 6 girls, all gray! We made the decision to have the babies delivered by c-section, so Alondra is still a little wiped out, but I am happy to report that her appetite seems to be back! The last few days she had been so uncomfortable that it was difficult to entice her to eat anything at all. I have attached a few pictures that were taken just after we got home—there will be many more to come! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Diane” From Diane:
“Hi Yvonne, Alondra is just miserable already—-lots of moaning, even in her sleep. I feel so bad for her, the only consolation is we only have another 7-9 days to go. Sorry about the phone tag. This week is crazy busy as well, but come Sunday I will be home 24/7 keeping an eye on our momma girl. Talk to you soon, Diane” We are sooooo excited! The due date is not too far away and the communications with Diane have become much more frequent. We are definitely nervous to find out if we will indeed be blessed with the pup we have been waiting for! Below is today’s email from Diane and the photos she sent of Alondra are below. She is HUGE! And looks so tired. If she could count, she’d be counting the days until she gives birth!
From Diane: “Hi Yvonne, Things are good here, but extremely busy! I have been trying to get caught up on all the things I put off while having Dolly’s babies here and before Miss Alondra’s beauties arrive. I had to go to SC for a couple days and with Alondra being so close to her big day I decided to take her with me (really did not have a choice in the matter). She loves to ride in the van and seemed to enjoy a little extra personal attention. I am attaching a few pictures I took yesterday. Looks like my vet is right again—I believe she has a belly full of babies! I will be in touch sometime late next week with puppy news! Take Care, Diane” |