Many thanks go to Kathi Wisdom for taking all these great photos of Cleo with her brother and 2 sisters (littermates)! They were taken last week, right around Cleo’s 5 month birthday. Kathi says that she is huge and weighs about 80 pounds! Wow! Healthy girl! Thanks, Kathi, for taking such great care of her for us!
You’ve seen the video compilation of Karma’s first week with us, now it’s time to share the best photos of the week, enjoy! Orso, the Buckethead: Mouse, the Doberman, watches on suspiciously: Luna, the Catahoula, with a concerned look because she knows she will forever be a chew toy in this house: And the party begins: First household casualty: Second household casualty: Isn’t that chew toy you are laying on soooo much better than the remote control??? Momma working on submission holds: Time to make some noise!!!!!
This is a long video – 12 minutes almost and set to music – and there is a lot of cute footage of Karma with her new family! Enjoy! Here’s a video of Cleo playing with her handler and caretaker, Kathi Wisdom. We love that all our dogs love the water! Woohoo! Thanks, Kathi! Today was an exceptional day to open the mail! All in one day, I received Orso’s AKC Champion certificate, his OFA Heart certificate, his OFA Patella certificate AND his show photos from the weekend that he finished with the AKC! Thanks, USPS!
Just before Orso came home with me from his stay with his trainer, Mary Majchrowski of Bravo Dog Training, she took these photos of him, see below. Such great photos! Thanks, Mary, you rock!
Orso absolutely LOVES to play with Karma. He is so gentle with her, it’s amazing. However, in his attempt to be a kind soul to her, he’s getting beat up! Imagine that, a 9 week old beating up a 13 month old! Funny! Below are 2 quick videos from today, enjoy! Today, Orso and I competed in our second AKC Rally Novice Trial, held by the Jupiter-Tequesta Dog Club in West Palm Beach, and earned a qualifying score of 86 points under Judge Mrs. Carol Ann Klein! We need one more qualifying score for Orso to be able to use the AKC Rally Novice title of “RN” behind his name! It REALLY sucks that there aren’t any local Rally shows until December, grrrrrrr, especially since Mary worked so hard to get him ready and I am scared I will mess up all his training between now and then! I guess this will give me plenty of time to work on my confidence in the Rally ring AND figure out how to motivate Orso so he looks a little more alive! Below is the video footage of today’s trial, courtesy of a very nice lady ringside who was totally cool about filming us! This morning, Orso and I competed in our first ever AKC Rally Novice Trial, held by the Jupiter-Tequesta Dog Club in West Palm Beach, and earned a qualifying score of 93 points under Judge Ms. Victoria A. Brown! We need two more qualifying scores for Orso to be able to use the AKC Rally Novice title of “RN” behind his name! Thanks, Judge Brown for overlooking Orso’s Corso antics and my inexperience! I am very excited about how today went and am so proud of our Buckethead! Karma also drove up and back with us since we did not want to leave her crated for so long, but she stayed accompanied in the Jeep in the A/C while Orso and I were competing since she is too young to go into a building full of dogs. She behaved like a little princess the entire time! Below is the video footage of the trial, courtesy of Dee Hoult of Applause Your Paws! Thanks, Dee, for filming us and for giving us a solid introduction to rally! A huge thank you goes to Mary Majchrowski of Bravo Dog Training for how hard she has worked with Orso these last few weeks! Orso sends you some slobber, Mary! After getting home with Orso from Mary’s house, I let him settle down and relax for a little bit while Luna, Mouse & Karma were all in their crates. I also got a chance to settle down. It was a long day and it wasn’t over with Orso and Karma’s introduction still pending. Later in the evening, before feeding everyone dinner, Orso and Karma finally go to meet and it was love at first sight! Below is a cute video clip of them meeting for the first time and some photos from dinnertime, enjoy! Luna is such a great dog! This morning, the first thing I did was introduce Karma to Luna. Luna was so sweet and tolerant, see the short video below of their introduction and a cute picture. After, we introduced Karma to Mouse, which went OK, but he’s a grouch when he first meets other dogs, so there’s no fun footage or photos to share for that introduction! Enjoy! This afternoon, I eagerly drove to Plantation to pick up Orso from Mary Majchrowski’s house. She owns Bravo Dog Training and Orso stayed with her for almost 3 weeks while I was in Tahiti. I was so excited to see him! When I got there, Orso was such a cutie! I could tell he was happy to see his momma! I recorded him greeting me at the door because I am a dorky momma like that, LOL, see below. After chatting a little while about Orso’s progress and going over all the Rally signs for the show this weekend – Orso helped us with Mary’s presentation of the signs, see photos below – Mary showed me a trick she taught Orso. Check out the short video below of Orso’s new trick! Love it! The last thing we did was go outside and watch Mary and Orso strut their Rally stuff for me! I was so impressed! Orso has not been worked in obedience all that much since the last time he stayed with Mary in December since we’ve been focusing on conformation, but with that behind us, Orso is now a Rally dog! Woohoo! Below is the video footage of Mary working with Orso and giving me TONS of advice for this weekend’s Rally shows. Thanks, Mary, for all your help and for taking such great care of our Buckethead! After weeks of growing anticipation, I finally got to meet our Karma in person! Lionheart Buona Karma di Costa Bel, Karma for short, was “delivered” to us today by Brian Martin of Lionheart Cane Corso. In order to return from our Tahitian vacation, I had to fly in to Los Angeles to make a our connection flight into Miami. After brainstorming with Brian about the best way to bring Karma home, we agreed that Brian would fly from Sacramento to Los Angeles to meet us in the American Airlines terminal. Some strategic planning came into play here since he needed to be on our same airline in order to be allowed in the same terminal as us. We also had to make sure the timing was just right so we wouldn’t miss each other. Luckily, with a little good karma (heeheeheeheehee) and the help of the travel gods, everything worked out perfectly!
I want to thank Brian, not only for making the VERY early flight out to Los Angeles and spending the whole day hanging out there, but more importantly for all the time and effort he spent in facilitating our choice of puppy. Brian Martin and Jordan Atkinson, Brian’s bride-to-be, were absolutely amazing to work with throughout the entire negotiation and selection process that took place before Karma came home with us. We were blessed to bring home Lionheart Cane Corso’s pick bitch from their first litter of pups, born from Champion Mar e Sol’s Capone and Grand Champion Gator Country’s Valentina. Because we were traveling in Tahiti, it was impossible for us to pick our puppy in person. However, Brian and Jordan worked endlessly to provide us with photos, video footage and Volhard Puppy Aptitude Testing on video so that I could make the right decision about our new girl. It was refreshing to find a breeder, such as Lionheart Cane Corso, who was so easy and ethical to work with AND at the same time produced what we consider to be an outstanding litter of puppies. Picking our girl was terribly difficult and we truly believe that we could not have gone wrong with any puppy in this awesome litter! Thank you, Brian and Jordan, for trusting us with this special girl and for all your efforts to make this such a perfect and smooth beginning to a long-lasting relationship! Below are our favorite photos from meeting Brian & Karma at the Los Angeles airport! She is absolutely gorgeous and we are incredibly happy to welcome her to the Costa Bel Cane Corso family! Enjoy! I ordered a whole bunch of stuff for Karma just before we left on vacation so that the shipment would arrive while we were gone. We got her lots of toys, a big crate – which is set up next to my side of the bed for now – and a fluffy bed. Funny thing though, with all her new toys, she went right to Luna’s old, chewed-up Nylabone!
We were also lucky that Nichelle, our awesome dogsitter, was able to run to Costco to get a small bag of the puppy food Karma had been eating before she came to us. Thanks, Nichelle, you ROCK! |